Homestead Presbytery


Membership: 9

Length of Term: 3 years (no 2nd term without 1 year off)

Committee Composition Requirements: Membership shall have as nearly as possible fair representation of male and female ministers of the Word and Sacrament, male and female laity, racial and/or ethnic categories, and generations.

Annual Days required: Quarterly meetings

Description of Committee: To Identify and nominate personnel for the Council and it’s committees. 
•Nominates for election by the presbytery members of all presbytery units except the nominating committee
•Nominates for election by the presbytery moderators of all presbytery units except the nominating committee, and the Calvin Crest Camp and Conference Center Committee
•Nominates for election by the presbytery commissioners and youth advisory delegates to General Assembly and synod; and nominate persons for election to committees, councils, and agencies of synod or General Assembly.
•Considers a representative geographical distribution of participants in making nominations.
•Gives consideration to “expertise” in making nominations
•Responsive to the need for inclusiveness, working closely with the committee on representation
•Ordinarily presents its slate of nominees at the Fall Presbytery Meeting. Those persons elected shall take office on January 1 of the next year, except for the presbytery moderator and vice-moderator who take office immediately following election and installation. 
•When a stated clerk or treasurer for the presbytery is to be elected, defers to a special nominating committee.

This committee shall: 
•Be composed of one member from each of these presbytery units, appointed by the moderators of each unit: Presbytery council, committee on ministry, and the nominating committee.
•Be convened by the member from the nominating committee. 
•Be responsive to the need for inclusiveness. 
•Report its recommendations to the next stated meeting of presbytery.

Additional Skills Required: Have knowledge of work of various Presbytery Committees. Be familiar with clergy and lay leaders in the congregations. 

Accountability: To Presbytery


Current Members

Class of 2018
Teri Wendel-Term 1
Theresa Bartlett-Term 1
John Duling-Term 1
Class of 2019
Jim McNeal-Term 1-Moderator
Tom Osborne-Term 1
Joie Taylor-Term 1
Class of 2020
Suzie Harder-Term 1
Michael Hill-Term 1