Commission Purpose:
Oversees Hispanic / Latino ministries in Homestead Presbytery.
Creation of Hispanic/Latino Language Bible fellowships, chapels, new church developments, churches.
Training and commissioning of Hispanic/Latino lay pastors.
Training and commissioning, and ordaining of church school teachers, evangelists, elders, and deacons.
Development and distribution of Spanish language church school curriculum, devotional guides, Bibles, Bible sturdy helps and other educational and spiritual materials reflecting Presbyterian Reformed theology and polity.
Coordination of evangelization of Hispanic/Latino persons in cooperation with churches in Mexico, Central and South America, Caribbean, Homestead Presbytery, The Synod of Lakes and Prairies, and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A).
The calling of a General Pastor / Evangelist who shall oversee Hispanic/Latino ministries in Homestead Presbytery.
Development and implementation of an annual all-presbytery-wide gathering each year of the members of the Hispanic/Latino Bible fellowships, chapels, new church developments, for the purpose of mutual up-building, training, encouragement, and evangelization.
Acts as a governing body Hispanic/Latino ministry until such time as congregations shall have dully elected sessions or they shall be incorporated into existing congregations, or the presbytery shall decide to terminate the existence of the commission.
The commission shall:
Coordinate its work with the Synod of Lakes and Prairies and General Assembly Office of Racial Ethnic Ministries and their associates for Hispanic Congregational Enhancement;
Keep bound minutes of all commission meetings and maintain an official Register of membership, baptism, weddings, elders, deacons
Keep the presbytery apprised of all current programs and activities and submit annual reports to the presbytery, and shall include an audit of its books
Implement its ministry and programs in co-ordination with the appropriate committees of presbytery and under the authority of the Book of Order
Act in ecumenical partnership with the denomination in correspondence with the Presbyterian Church.
Did you know?
Homestead Presbytery Hispanic Ministry, El Buen Pastor (The Good Shepherd) has a house church in Schuyler, Nebraska. Also worship services are held in Columbus, Sundays at 3 p.m.
When did this start?
On February 17, 2008, worship services were started in the home of Ricardo DelaCruz and Juanita Alarcon. Thirty people were in attendance. Since then, turns are taken having worship services at a different home each Sunday.’
Hispanic Ministry Evangelist/Elder
At the invitation of Homestead Presbytery’s Hispanic/Latino Commission, Arturo Alarcon Roman, elder from First Presbyterian church in Norfolk, has been serving the Hispanic ministry, El Buen Pastor, as Evangelist/Elder since January, 2008.
As servant of our Lord he is working as an evangelist among the settled and transient Hispanic Community spreading the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ, establishing Christian Hispanic home fellowship groups and reaching out to them in their special needs.
His outreach is within the boundaries of Homestead Presbytery and he is accountable to the Administrative Commission for Hispanic Latino Ministry of Homestead Presbytery.
On April 27, 2008, Pentecost was celebrated. Three churches were involved as follows: Schuyler First Presbyterian Church; Pentecostal Church,Rivers of Living Water; and Homestead Hispanic Ministry, El Buen Pastor. This service was in coordination with Schuyler First Church Evangelism Committee, Schuyler Session and the cooperation of Rev. Laura Hollister.
Also, the church secretary helped prepare the bulletin for that Sunday. Evelyn Wilch helped with the translation of the Word of God and her mother-in-law, Kris Wilch played the prelude and postlude.
In addition, at the April 27th service, three children were dedicated to the Lord and Graduates were presented Certificates.
On Sunday, May 3rd, 2009, there was a bilingual special worship service at Columbus Federated Church. The four persons who completed the course on Evangelism given by Rev. Paulo Ribeiro, Director of the Hispanic Ministry, were presented certificates. It was a great time. The graduates’ families were present and fellowship was enjoyed along with an authentic Mexican meal with treats and refreshments.